Choose one of the following  parts or regions of the British Isles to work on and you will be placed in a group accordingly.

The regions are:  England,  Scotland,  Wales,  Northern Ireland and Ireland 

Together as members of the group begin the assignment by brainstorming the kinds of facts, information and impressions you will need to include in the presentation of your region. For this you will have to consider what you think the expectations of the family are. Keep careful notes of your ideas,  e.g. in a Word Document or a notebook. Consider, for example, finding information on such items as the following: the size of the country, the population, the climate or weather, the most common religion,the culture and arts,the food, the way people dress and act,historical sites or places of interest, sports, entertainment, etc.

Browse through the resources and collect information that you believe to be the most useful for the tourists.Divide the work of browsing the sites equally between the members of the group.

Bookmark sites you find especially useful and keep notes of the information in a Word Document or a notebook as you will need it for your presentation.

Share, compare and analyse the information you have found on various subjects concerning your region and prepare a complete and clear outline of your report. If needed, ask for your teacher’s comments.  

Remember to name the websites you referred to.

Revise your report and present it to your classmates using a Powerpoint Presentation, explaining where in your opinion it would probably be best for the family to visit based on the facts and the cultural content that you have collected. Presentations may include a ten to fifteen minute oral report in front of the class.

Each group presentation will be your contribution to the writing of a “travel guide”  to the British Isles.